
E.g., 09/28/2024
Larry Chappell: Better Together
Better Together

Larry Chappell

Hebrews 10

11/04/2018 - 11:00 am

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Dr. Don Sisk: Give

Dr. Don Sisk

Luke 6

10/30/2018 - 7:00 pm

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Dr. Daniel Kim: Cast Your Bread Upon the Water
Cast Your Bread Upon the Water

Dr. Daniel Kim

Ecclesiastes 11

10/29/2018 - 7:00 pm

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Bruce Rice: Where Art Thou?
Where Art Thou?

Bruce Rice

Genesis 3

10/28/2018 - 5:00 pm

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The Church That Cares

Pastor Paul Chappell

Philippians 4

10/28/2018 - 11:00 am

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Gabriel Ruhl: A Journey of Contentment
A Journey of Contentment

Gabriel Ruhl

Philippians 4

10/24/2018 - 7:00 pm

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Pastor Paul Chappell: The Character of False Religion
The Character of False Religion

Pastor Paul Chappell

2 Timothy 3

10/21/2018 - 5:00 pm

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Edify One Another

Pastor Paul Chappell

Romans 14

10/21/2018 - 11:00 am

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Gabriel Ruhl: A Journey of Construction
A Journey of Construction

Gabriel Ruhl

Philippians 3

10/17/2018 - 7:00 pm

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Larry Chappell: Wisdom and Alcohol
Wisdom and Alcohol

Larry Chappell

Ephesians 5

10/14/2018 - 5:00 pm

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Comfort One Another

Pastor Paul Chappell

1 Thessalonians 5

10/14/2018 - 11:00 am

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Gabriel Ruhl: A Journey of Companionship
A Journey of Companionship

Gabriel Ruhl

Philippians 2

10/10/2018 - 7:00 pm

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