Prayer List
Lancaster Baptist Church
- Pastor and Family
- Leadership Team and Ministry Staff
Campus Development
- SLC Dining Hall Remodel
- Worship Center Remodel
Special Requests
- President Trump
- Armed Forces
- Firefighters
- Laborers for the Harvest
- Law Enforcement
- Medical Personnel
Those Needing Salvation
- Auhri
- David
- Dimitrius
- Hanna
- Jennifer
- Tony
- Baldwin Family
- Teresita Beltran
- Boyle Family
- Kelsey Campbell
- Ice Carbajal
- Coleman Family
- Davis Family
- Dave DeHay
- Randy and Arlene Deskin
- Larry and Jodi Eaton
- Elena Tovar
- Dave & Aida Fitton
- Florindo Family
- Daniel Folse
- Natalie & Annette Forrester
- Chole Garcia
- George Gardoni
- Mario & Arthur Gonzalez
- Gray Family
- Nancy Guerrero
- Alan Gutierrez
- Chris Gutierrez
- Emmanuel Guzman
- Beth Hale
- Hardy Family
- Manuel Hernandez
- Matthew Jones
- Lopez Family
- Alex May
- McClintock Family
- Meagher Family
- Kassandra Ordonez
- Rhoad Family
- Stephanie Rodriguez
- Claudia Romero
- Wayne Schmedt
- Sherrick Family
- Chuck & Rosie Smith
- Tyler Smith
- Thomas Family
- Valpiani Family
- Leannette Villarreal
- Wolfard Family
- Chelle & Iain Yorke
Health Needs in Town
- Carmen Alcala
- Rick Allen
- Sharion Bradley
- Katie Castro
- Robert Collier
- Victor Diaz
- Tess Garcia
- Vanessa Gutierrez
- Jim Harris
- Emily Hartzell
- Teddie Hicks
- Bob Hightower
- Dianna McCollum
- Angelica Mijango
- Phyllis Nikoley
- Shaun Pastrano
- John Smith
- Phil Sumuelian
- Mike Tester
- Carmen Villa
- Ida Ward
Health Needs Out of Town
- Sal Barrios
- Tim Butterfield
- Isaac Chapman
- Leslie Farmer
- Lily Knight
- Samantha Moreira
- Bryant Powell
- Ada Rosales
- Doug Weber
Other Needs
- Michael Hurtado
Expectant Mothers
Congratulations to Justin and Jessie Engelman on the birth of their daughter, Jordyn Gail Engelman born on March 11!
Congratulations to David and Lois Wruck on the birth of their son, David Paul Wruck born on March 13!
- Sarah Crockett
- Ngoc Ocasio
- Sarah Sarria
- Theresa Thiessen
- Janice Voshall
Military Personnel
- Evan Amburgey
- Michael Burns
- Marc Deskin
- Chad Goddard
- Jeremy Gonzalez
- Beriah Grier
- Marsean Grier
- Avery Healy
- Diamond Healy
- Nolan Healy
- Jonathan Hobbs
- Jonathan McCary
- Matthew McDaniel
- Frank Payne
- Mackenzie Payne
- William Randall
- Diego Salas
- Arnie Sandoval
- Nick Voshall
- Andrew Weadock
Currently Deployed
- Andrew Sandoval
- Courtney Sandoval
Missionaries Sent from LBC
- David Azzarello U.S. Church Planter
- Jonathan Ballou Thailand
- Tim Bundy Ethiopia
- Leanne Corena El Salvador
- Adam Fridenstine El Salvador
- Dan Gardner, Jr. Japan
- Barry Hoffman Korea
- Sam Hutchens New Zealand
- Anthony King Hawaii
- Nathan Kinoshita Japan
- Luis Montaño Mexico
- Shimreipam Phungshok India
- Ricardo Portillo Nicaragua
- Chris Reed Thailand
- Dr. Don Sisk BIMI
- Soren Sundararaj Sri Lanka
- Tim Tyler Romania
- Andrew Wippler Finland
- Ning Wungkhai India
- Adam Young Russia
Missionary of the Week
- Franklin & Brenda Booth Panama